
Breastmilk Complementary Food for 7-Month-Old Babies

The age of 7 months is the age at which the incisors have begun to grow, therefore this period is very important to introduce food to babies. According to the doctor's advice, complementary food can be given since the age of the baby enters 6 months, but after entering the age of 7 this portion of the meal can be adjusted to the texture of food that is easily crushed by the baby. For the 7-month baby food menu itself is not too difficult, because we can buy ready-to-eat baby food. But as a good housewife, surely it would be better if you prepared it yourself at home.
Nutrition Required for Babies at 7 Months
Before you prepare food for your baby, first identify the nutrients needed to support the development and growth of babies entering the age of 7 months. Nutrition in 7-month baby food is very important to determine the growth of the child, both for health and improving the function of all organs of his body. Some of the nutrients that are needed by babies include complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, minerals such as iron, calcium and chromium, as well as various kinds of vitamins that come from vegetables and fruits.
7 Month Baby Food Menu
At the age of 7 months, food is not yet the main energy source for babies, because the baby's main food is still from breast milk. At this time feeding is done to introduce babies to various kinds of food. The food menu given to babies is still limited, with a soft texture. Here are some recommended 7-month baby foods:
• Milk porridge, this menu has the softest texture compared to other ASI complementary foods, so it can be given in the first period.
• Rice team, this menu can be mixed with various kinds of side dishes and vegetables that are cooked together. The texture of this team's rice must be soft to make it easier for the baby to digest.
• Intermediate foods that can be in the form of baby biscuits, soft fruits or fruit juices.
Milk and rice porridge teams can be given in the morning and evening with a customized portion, while baby interlude can be given during the day or when relaxing. In order for babies not to get bored, you can create 7-month-old baby food with various kinds of vegetables and appropriate dishes. The recommended side dishes include tuna, chicken or beef, eggs, tofu or tempeh which have previously been mashed.
As for vegetables, spinach, carrots, mustard greens, broccoli has good nutrition for babies. That's some 7 month baby food that you can give to your beloved baby, hopefully it can be useful ...
Description: 7-month-old baby food is an important supplementary food for breast milk, in addition to introducing various types of food as well as nutritional copies for baby's growing flowers.

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