Bleaching during pregnancy is one of the things that is quite disturbing for women, because in addition to being one of the signs of a pathological disease, vaginal discharge is also very disturbing, especially for vaginal discharge before labor with more intensity than vaginal discharge during pregnancy in general. Apart from the existence of a pathological disease, the type of vaginal discharge before labor is very reasonable and certainly does not endanger the health condition of the mother or the fetus. For this reason, you must know the signs of normal vaginal discharge until the type of vaginal discharge is a sign of a disorder during pregnancy for early prevention.
Pregnant women often experience vaginal discharge. This happens due to hormonal changes and the condition of the female area which tends to be more moist, especially at the time of labor. These two things cause the production of fluid to increase which is accompanied by a decrease in the pH of the female area. But not all vaginal discharge before delivery can be considered normal, because in some conditions, vaginal discharge can be a sign that must be watched out because it can affect the health of the mother and the fetus.
Causes of Leucorrhoea Towards Labor
Leucorrhoea is often regarded as one of the things that is quite embarrassing by some women, so often considered trivial and even tend to be reluctant to consult a doctor or midwife. Leucorrhoea in pregnant women in general can be divided into two types based on the causal factors, namely physiological factors and pathological factors. Leucorrhoea is physiological or normal if it is caused by several things which include hormonal changes during pregnancy, when a lot of physical activity or caused by sexual stimulation. In this condition the woman will experience vaginal discharge in the form of clear liquid and does not smell.
While vaginal discharge before labor is said to be abnormal if it is caused by microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses or parasites which can have an impact on infections in female areas. Besides being caused by microorganism infection, cleansing soap or having a husband and wife during pregnancy can also have an impact on irritation. In pregnant women, the most common infectious disorder is infection with candida fungi. Normally this fungus grows in the digestive tract and vagina. Infection occurs when the growth of this fungus is uncontrollable, especially during pregnancy which strongly supports fungal growth where the immune conditions of pregnant women tend to decrease. This fungal infection can strike from the beginning of pregnancy and will get worse when before labor due to the condition of the more moist female organs.
Leucorrhoea Characteristics Ahead of Abnormal Labor
Normal vaginal discharge prior to delivery and has no difference that is quite easy to recognize. But the problem is that sometimes pregnant women find it difficult to recognize this type of vaginal discharge because it almost resembles amniotic fluid which marks the time of birth closer. For simplicity, you can see the vaginal discharge from the color and symptoms. If the liquid that comes out tends to be clear or slimy and thick and does not cause odor or itching, then this type of vaginal discharge can be said to be normal.
While pathological vaginal discharge before labor occurs when marked with changes in fluid that is brown or greenish mixed with blood and accompanied by itching or pain when urinating. If you experience these symptoms, immediately consult a midwife or doctor. Thus the review related to vaginal discharge before labor can be conveyed, hopefully it can be useful for you ...
Description: Leucorrhoea due to childbirth is caused by two factors, namely physiological factors and pathological factors due to bacteria, fungi or viruses that must be treated with the right treatment.
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